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little joe 〔美俚〕骰子中的四點。

little leaf

Doctor : joe , little joe . i ' ve known you since you were a kid and i don ' t care a wit about your private life 醫生:喬,小喬,我看著你長大,我一點也不擔心你的私人生活。

Little joe , a 300 - pound adolescent gorilla at boston ' s franklin park zoo , escaped 一只重達135公斤的青春期大猩猩小喬,從波士頓富蘭克林動物園逃脫了。

Instead, with me, little joe was soon ready to fight infection on his own . 相反,有了我,小喬不久就能依靠自己來抗御感染。

Little joe laughed, lost interest, and sighed . 小喬大笑,意興索然,嘆了一口氣。